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Singles in Sunshine Coast

Find a lasting relationship with Find Happy, the dating website for real people looking for real relationships.

Meet singles men and women in Sunshine Coast with a little help from Find Happy, the number one choice for serious singles looking for romance. Find Happy is the site for real people looking to make a lasting connection with people they are genuinely interested in meeting.

Online dating for everyone

No matter your age or your level of online experience (even if you're a complete newbie), Find Happy is your launchpad into the world of online dating. We've seamlessly integrated a potent yet user-friendly dating application with wisdom and insights from top-notch dating and lifestyle experts. Because we believe in equipping our members with the ultimate toolkit to supercharge their journey toward discovering that someone truly special.

One size doesn't always fit all

Not content with simply offering you a choice friendly singles in Australia, an award winning, mobile enhanced dating application and expert support and advice, we have now introduced additional sites for people with more specific requirements like the over 50's, divorced or single parents.

Online dating facts

Online Dating's Beginnings: Online dating as we know it today started in 1995 with the launch of Since then, the industry has grown exponentially.

Profile Picture Matters: Profiles with clear and attractive photos are more likely to receive messages. In fact, profiles with photos receive about 10 times more attention than those without.

Username Impact: Choosing a unique and positive username can make a big difference. People with usernames that start with letters higher in the alphabet tend to get more messages.

Peak Activity: Online dating platforms typically see a surge in activity on Sundays and Mondays, with users looking for potential matches for the week ahead.

Age Preferences: Studies show that men tend to prefer dating younger women, while women often prefer dating men their age or slightly older.

Long-Distance Love: Around 33% of long-distance relationships start online. Online dating makes it easier for people to connect across geographical distances.

First Messages: Women are more likely to respond to messages that mention common interests, while men tend to receive more responses when they use direct compliments.

These facts and statistics highlight the ever-evolving world of online dating, with its unique trends, challenges, and opportunities for finding love and companionship.

Never tried online dating before?

You're not alone. Lots of people are trying out online dating for the first time. With users already online, people all over Australia are making new connections and building new relationships. It's not hard to see why with such an easy to use site and loads of active friendly people ready to welcome you. Find Happy lets you connect with and meet fantastic people you might never otherwise know about.

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